Córdoba: Ferreyra, 2006
O livro da minha orientadora. Ou de mi directora de tesis.
En este libro, se estudianlas complejas relaciones entre el mundo del delito, la condición femenina y el universo moral y cultural de la Córdoba colonial. La obra en cuestión –fruto de su tesis doctoral en Derecho y Ciencias Sociales- fue elaborada en base a una minuciosa indagación en torno a la literatura jurídica de la época, fuentes judiciales y los libros de visita de la cárcel del Cabildo de Córdoba, donde se hallaban recluidas las mujeres de entonces.
Jaqueline Vassallo. WOMEN DELINQUENTS. A LOOK OF GENRE IN THE CORDOVA OF THE XVIIITH CENTURY. Edited by the Center of Advanced Studies of the National University of Cordoba.
In this book, the complex relations are studied between the world of the crime, the feminine condition and the moral and cultural universe of the colonial Cordoba. The work in question – fruit of his doctoral dissertation in Right and Social Sciences – was prepared based on a meticulous investigation concerning the juridical literature of the epoch, judicial sources and the books of visit of the jail of the Chapter of Cordoba, where the women were imprisoned of then.